September 28, 2008

Shuvalavo revisited

OMG, I'm coming home soon! YAY! It doesn't feel the slightest. Home just really feels like this big dream to me.

Transfers were yesterday! I'm in Shuvalovo again!!!! So yea, I'm finishing off my mish with a whole 3 areas! :) But I love Shuvalovo, so no big. I'm in the same apt and everything. WHY did I lug so much junk out! Gosh...

My new comp’s name is Yemilionova...or something like that. And I love her! She's obviously Russian. :) My new district seems rad! Right now we're at internet with my new DL, B, who is way cool, and his comp L, who is very pretty. haha, jk. But so serious. ;) We're meeting up with our zone leaders later.

It was traumatizing splitting up from my other district, not really knowing if we'll ever see each other again. H went AP!!! With C! That should be a party. W got sent down to Pskov, haha, now that I’m not there. I saw S in the office, I miss him! He asked all about the fam, and he noticed my hair was different, he always does. So that was fun. B is senior comp in Avtovo with a mini missionary. She'll do awesome! W went home today! I will miss his guts. But hopefully he'll write or something.

Yea, I'm a little trunky, but I feel it’s totally not a bad thing. So what if I WANT to go home to my amazing family! I'm still working hard here. So all those negative things you hear about being trunky are totally lame.

We got kicked out of Pskov early, so B and I went to Ikea here in Peter. :) It’s my favorite. My district is going there today for lunch! It’s as American as you get....which is funny, cuz it's totally not American.. :) I love America. I can't wait to get home and be in on all the hubbub of the election! I love you madly and desperately! And I can't wait to hold you all in my arms! I don't know if I believe it's really going to happen...I'll read up on faith. :) (written 9-11-08)

1 comment:

julia schlensker said...

Hi, I am looking for YW theme in russian for YW in exallance , do u have any idea whare i can find it. Thank you