So anyways, after a huge fight with S the night before, we seemed to be having a fine morning on Wednesday and i remembered that P had told me to call sister S about my cat bite, and if i didn't (cuz i didn't want to, it was dumb) then he would. So i casually called sister S thinking no big deal, The bite is almost all the way gone, it was just a courtesy call.
Well, she sounded like yes, no big deal. Told me she would call back... When she did, wasn't easy or nice about it, just straight up said "pack all your things, you're getting transferred TODAY on the next train or bus available.".... It was so shocking that i started bawling on the phone like a moron.
It was shocking because, not only was it so sudden and blunt and I'm sad because I'm missing my investigator's baptisms this week and next, but the night before, i had been praying and had gotten the distinct impression to call P and tell him i needed to be transferred. I thought that was dumb because i loved where i was and any probs i had been having with S and all, could totally be dealt with. so i said no to myself. And i cried. I'm a huge bawl baby lately. I even told K on the phone that i was getting transferred... jokingly, but oddly it felt like it wasn't a joke to me.
It was shocking because, not only was it so sudden and blunt and I'm sad because I'm missing my investigator's baptisms this week and next, but the night before, i had been praying and had gotten the distinct impression to call P and tell him i needed to be transferred. I thought that was dumb because i loved where i was and any probs i had been having with S and all, could totally be dealt with. so i said no to myself. And i cried. I'm a huge bawl baby lately. I even told K on the phone that i was getting transferred... jokingly, but oddly it felt like it wasn't a joke to me.
So that thought stuck with me in bed that night. The next morning when i prayed, I got the same impression. I said no again, thinking i was just being dumb and praying i wasn't turning into a dramatic psycho sister missionary and not realizing it. When sister S called with my transfer, it finally and distinctly hit me that when i was saying no, i was saying it to my Heavenly Father. I felt like he was saying that if I wouldn't follow his promptings as a missionary, he would find another way. Even if it was through something as stupid as a cat bite. I know that the transfer was right, whether it was cuz i needed to be here or sister Kirina who took my place, needed to be in Pskov, it was definitely meant to be.
So I packed up, but the next train was at 3am so we went to the branch and it was a total scandal. So it was a sad sad goodbye. We were all pretty devastated, but i know that it's right and I'm so happy to be here in CENTER!!!! YAY! Where I wanted to serve!
Another roller coaster i was stuck on yesterday was i got taken to Medem Medical by sister S and she left sosyak and me there so i could start on my first rabies shots. Well, they laughed at me and told me bites are normal here blah blah blah, as if i didn't feel stupid enough for being there, it wasn't by choice. They sent us away and then there were a couple hours of phone tag with sis S and specialist doctors and America and stuff until i got called for the millionth time and told that i HAD to get the shots they didn't care how much it cost. What a huge embarrassing ordeal.
So I packed up, but the next train was at 3am so we went to the branch and it was a total scandal. So it was a sad sad goodbye. We were all pretty devastated, but i know that it's right and I'm so happy to be here in CENTER!!!! YAY! Where I wanted to serve!
Another roller coaster i was stuck on yesterday was i got taken to Medem Medical by sister S and she left sosyak and me there so i could start on my first rabies shots. Well, they laughed at me and told me bites are normal here blah blah blah, as if i didn't feel stupid enough for being there, it wasn't by choice. They sent us away and then there were a couple hours of phone tag with sis S and specialist doctors and America and stuff until i got called for the millionth time and told that i HAD to get the shots they didn't care how much it cost. What a huge embarrassing ordeal.
So we trekked back to the clinic and while i was waiting, sosyak tried talking to a woman who was also waiting with her little boy, but she was American. So her and i chatted it up and i got her phone # and she told me several times to PLEASE call her about ANYTHING! I was like, No problem... hehehe she totally knew i was a missionary and everything. :) It's a whole family that just moved here from Illinois. wow. Definitely meant to be there at that exact time. So then i got my huge shots and left.
i love it here! it's so rad! i love the members and investigators i met last night and i like my companions. They're both native and very serious, but what can you do. This is exactly what I've been needing. hopefully i will learn Russian with these two! I've already learned a ton today!
So i don't know if i told you about meeting sasha's sister by cutting her hair, then going over to their apt to do her friend vika's hair. I love them, they're so fun! Well, this week we went over to meet sasha's mom, but sasha had to leave. Tamara, her sister, was still there tho and told us that sasha smokes again... horrible, so we obviously had to cancel her baptism. Not forever tho. :) Her mom was amazing tho! They're just so accepting and loving (which isn't common) and we found out why that night.
i love it here! it's so rad! i love the members and investigators i met last night and i like my companions. They're both native and very serious, but what can you do. This is exactly what I've been needing. hopefully i will learn Russian with these two! I've already learned a ton today!
So i don't know if i told you about meeting sasha's sister by cutting her hair, then going over to their apt to do her friend vika's hair. I love them, they're so fun! Well, this week we went over to meet sasha's mom, but sasha had to leave. Tamara, her sister, was still there tho and told us that sasha smokes again... horrible, so we obviously had to cancel her baptism. Not forever tho. :) Her mom was amazing tho! They're just so accepting and loving (which isn't common) and we found out why that night.
Her mom told us that she prayed to God because she's been struggling in life and is so poor and she didn't know how she was going to be able to take care of her two girls. She said God CLEARLY answered her. He said, "I am sending you two angels, messengers, who will teach you everything you need to know. And i will send them soon." Wow. She said that a couple of days later, sasha came home and said she had met with us and i guess all of them (including the grandma, which explains why she insisted sasha quickly go to us and take us flowers to thank us that one day) knew we were the ones. We were the messengers she was waiting for. I bawled... of course. It's a miracle. A Christmas miracle. :)
I know miracles like this happen, because God takes care of his children and he does send missionaries where they need to go... i just never thought i would be part of such an amazing miracle. it's real. It happens. So despite the fact that sasha's mother smokes and drinks a LOT, she accepted us in immediately, was so loving, was SO thankful for the BOM we gave her (she threw herself around our necks thanking and thanking us) and begged to know when we could come back to tell her everything. :) wow. my mission is amazing.
I have so much more to tell! But i don't have time!
I'll try to fit in another story... this one is stupid, but what can you do. I totally had a Dumb and Dumber bathroom experience the other night. We went and had dinner at Mama maria's house and she gave us REAL apple juice, which ps is my fave and we need an apple tree. I downed two tall glasses there and she gave me a big bottle of it to bring home. Well, an hour later i cruised into the bathroom like normal (thank goodness we were at home) and suddenly a weird rumble moved all the way up my bod like in a movie and HELLO! You can figure out the rest. wow. Why do we spend $ on laxatives that take 6+ hrs to kick in then make you sick for the rest of the day?! It was AMAZING! hahahahaha! This stuff is like gold! and all i could think about was how maria and my comp must have been laughing hysterically inside their heads as they watched me down all the juice. "stupid Americans"... ;)
On a more annoying note, i got another condescending talk about how I'm here on my mission to lose my rose-colored glasses and my fantasy world and to join the real world like S, because i sound like she did in 7th grade... wow. Coming from HER??? but i love her. don't forget that. :) But i was sick of it! I rather nicely (honestly) told her i didn't want to lose it! I'm growing here, but THAT isn't the kind of change i need. I told her it's not growth to become cynical! God gave me the gift of being happy and optimistic! SUE me! I HATE when she says, "you will see, you will see."... Yea, i will see your hair catch on fire as i throw you out our rose-colored window. She acts like a child and then gets all high and mighty on me because I'm happy?! I don't understand! Except that i do get we're from different cultures and obviously appreciate our own. Which is fine. We both think we're right. What can you do? Except i try to tell her, yea, it's cool, i love this culture (and i do it so sincerely) then it gets turned and she's like well yours is the worst! These people don't get America. They all want to go there, but then they bash it. They don't get how amazing it is. They don't understand how life could be. Whatever.
I have so much more to tell! But i don't have time!
I'll try to fit in another story... this one is stupid, but what can you do. I totally had a Dumb and Dumber bathroom experience the other night. We went and had dinner at Mama maria's house and she gave us REAL apple juice, which ps is my fave and we need an apple tree. I downed two tall glasses there and she gave me a big bottle of it to bring home. Well, an hour later i cruised into the bathroom like normal (thank goodness we were at home) and suddenly a weird rumble moved all the way up my bod like in a movie and HELLO! You can figure out the rest. wow. Why do we spend $ on laxatives that take 6+ hrs to kick in then make you sick for the rest of the day?! It was AMAZING! hahahahaha! This stuff is like gold! and all i could think about was how maria and my comp must have been laughing hysterically inside their heads as they watched me down all the juice. "stupid Americans"... ;)
On a more annoying note, i got another condescending talk about how I'm here on my mission to lose my rose-colored glasses and my fantasy world and to join the real world like S, because i sound like she did in 7th grade... wow. Coming from HER??? but i love her. don't forget that. :) But i was sick of it! I rather nicely (honestly) told her i didn't want to lose it! I'm growing here, but THAT isn't the kind of change i need. I told her it's not growth to become cynical! God gave me the gift of being happy and optimistic! SUE me! I HATE when she says, "you will see, you will see."... Yea, i will see your hair catch on fire as i throw you out our rose-colored window. She acts like a child and then gets all high and mighty on me because I'm happy?! I don't understand! Except that i do get we're from different cultures and obviously appreciate our own. Which is fine. We both think we're right. What can you do? Except i try to tell her, yea, it's cool, i love this culture (and i do it so sincerely) then it gets turned and she's like well yours is the worst! These people don't get America. They all want to go there, but then they bash it. They don't get how amazing it is. They don't understand how life could be. Whatever.
hahahaha sorry i am finishing off on this note! I just love my life, i love my "glass" world, and i love my family. :) What can i do? :) omg, i love and miss you so so much!
tune in for more drama next week! (written Sep 28, 2007)
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