March 2, 2008

Cardboard toilet paper

Same Day:

OMG... WHERE AM I!?!?! AH! This is so scary, but at the same time totally the raddest adventure ever! I'm at my apartment... sooooo ghetto. Sosyak says it's way worse than anything she's been in. I don't even know where to start.. well, NO hot water, no water filter, no dryer... and so GHETTO! I'm terrified to live here! It's on like, the seventh floor of a really really scary place! AH! There's a freaking demented doll chillin' nailed on the wall that was just waiting to greet me! There are 50 different prints of '70 wallpaper covering EVERY surface. There are big mattresses sitting on small coffee tables... these are what we sleep on, and it's a total balancing act. I can't even describe it. I will have to just take pics to keep these memories... um! But everyone says this is the paradise mish, so this better be worth it... :/ PS... if a cockroach gets me tonight... tell the world my story...


Well, I woke up to some kind of bug on my face... But I lived thru the night. It seems to be raining and there are car alarms going off outside. When we got off the train last night, we were met by a couple of elders and some members... and a pack of about 20 wild dogs. Weird.

Did I mention the scary toilet and how I suddenly wish I knew how to pee in a bush? And the cardboard toilet paper? hahaha wow. I wanted an adventure, right? Well... I think I got it. :)


So here I am writing to you. I'm still totally tired. I don't know what else to tell you. Maybe about how there are military guys walking around EVERYWHERE! in the city AND here! Full on, decked out nazi types... this is so strange. :) (written Jul 26, 2007)


Michelle said...

It sounds like some crazy wilderness out there!

Jenny said...

I love the look of your blog. You did a great job! I know people will love being able to come here to read about all the great adventures of Mish Girl!

Heather said...

Oh my gosh! It's so great to hear what Cori's up to! Cute blog! What a great idea!

Love, Heather (Norton)